Our fleet

View our ever-expanding fleet, which meets our high quality and safety standards.

Bald Canoe Boat 30 people

Bald Canoe

Discover De Kale Kano: a ship that is more than 100 years old, transformed into a modern, fully electric covered saloon boat with a touch of luxury on board.

Boezem boat 45 people


Discover De Boezem, once a lifeboat on a large cargo ship or cruise ship, now shines like a gem in our fleet! This boat has unique

Dikbil boat 70 people


Meet the Dikbil, a spacious open sloop with room for 70 standing persons and comfortable seating for 40 on the benches, the foredeck

Pinsessenboot 8 people

Prince's boat

The Prinsenboot is a ship that is over 100 years old, once used as a work ship for the transport of various materials through the Netherlands. Now

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